UA Community Development in Belize Study Abroad Program
Community Development in Belize is a University of Arkansas faculty-led summer study abroad program. This unique program is an international service learning project, for 6 credit hours, in Belize during Summer Session I.
University of Arkansas faculty project leaders will instruct student teams as they prepare and implement service learning projects during the summer in the community of Dangriga, a city of about 10,000 on the Caribbean coast.
Culturally and linguistically, the city is a fascinating mixture of Creoles, Mestizos, and Mayans, though it is dominated by the Garifunas, a Caribbean people descended from African slaves and indigenous groups, with English being the official language.
Service project opportunities include:
- Building Construction & Ecosystem Monitoring
- Sustainable School Farm
- Literacy & Creative Writing
- Tourism, Micro-Finance & Economic Development
- Tropical Ecology
The application deadline for this program is today, Tuesday, Feb. 1!
To find out more information and to apply, visit: or contact the Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange: 575-7582,
Laura Moix, UA Faculty Led Programs & Exchange Coordinator
Office of Study Abroad and International Exchange