Social Worker Mourned in Tucson Shooting
The University of Arkansas School of Social Work is saddened by the Tucson shooting incident that killed six individuals and wounded many others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. One of the victims of the shooting, Gabe Zimmerman, was a fellow social worker who earned his master's degree social work in 2006 from Arizona State University in Tucson. Colleagues from the University of Arkansas mourn his loss to the profession.
Steven Anderson, director of the School of Social Work at ASU, noted that Zimmerman was a friend to many in the University of Arkansas school, and was highly respected both here and in the broader social work community. Zimmerman was director of community outreach for Giffords, who likewise is well-known and appreciated both within ASU and in the social work community.
The University of Arkansas School of Social Work asks the campus community to join them in sharing their condolences with the family, friends and community members of the victims and providing their best wishes for a full recovery for those who were wounded.
Marcia Shobe, Director
School of Social Work