Snow in the Forecast: Watch for Inclement Weather Alerts

There is a chance of snow in northwest Arkansas on Sunday, Jan. 9, and Monday, Jan. 10. No classes are in session at the University of Arkansas on Jan. 10, but university offices are scheduled to be open.

If inclement weather forces the university to close its offices, or to have a delayed opening, the first notice will come from the new Inclement Weather Notification channel of the university’s RazALERT system.

The messages will be sent by phone, e-mail and text message within minutes after university administrators decide on a course of action. No notice will be sent if there is no change in university operations.

Members of the campus community were automatically enrolled to receive inclement weather notices when the channel was inaugurated in December. Everyone enrolled can have as many as six phone numbers and two e-mail addresses in their account, and can authorize the system to send text messages to their individual cell phones. Contact information is based on addresses and phone numbers in individual ISIS or BASIS accounts. Faculty and staff can make changes to their accounts by going to Students can modify their accounts at

Students, faculty and staff who do not want to receive inclement weather notices can opt out of the channel at the same web addresses.


Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations

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