XpressMail Will Be Retired Thursday, Jan. 27
Because XpressMail is no longer supported by the vendor, University Information Technology Services will retire it effective Thursday, Jan. 27. This change will not interrupt e-mail services for any users. The same e-mail messages and folders visible in XpressMail are also accessible through UA Mail (uamail.uark.edu). Contacts in the XpressMail address book should be saved and imported, however, to either UA Mail or another IMAP e-mail application.
UA Mail is the university's official web-based e-mail for non-Exchange users. Several features are available while logged into UA Mail, including MyDocs for file storage, UA Chat for communicating with university users and other contacts via Jabber, and Web&Apps for web hosting and statistical research.
Exchange e-mail and calendaring services are available to all faculty or staff working in units that participate in the Microsoft Campus Agreement or to individuals who choose to purchase a license. IT Services strongly recommends that all individuals in licensed departments move to Exchange. Learn more about Exchange at exchangeinfo.uark.edu.
Instructions for exporting an XpressMail address book and importing it to UA Mail or other supported applications are online at uits.uark.edu/email/xpressmail.htm. For further assistance, contact the Help Desk at 575-2905.
Erin Griffin,
IT Services