Qualtrics Survey Software Now Available
Qualtrics, the new web-based survey tool from IT Services, is now available by request. Qualtrics provides easy access, requiring only an internet connection and web browser.
After submitting the survey request form at http://uits.uark.edu/main/services/surveyrequest.htm, users will receive a Qualtrics account from IT Services and log in at http://uark.qualtrics.com. Prior to submitting a survey request, approval from the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is required.
Comprehensive training and technical support are available at http://qualtrics.com, as well as test accounts for users who want to try Qualtrics without conducting a survey.
Snap survey software support remains available for current and ongoing projects for up to two years. However, Qualtrics is recommended for all new survey projects.
For questions, comments, concerns, or survey support, contact the IT Services Help Desk at 479-575-2905.
Erin Griffin,
IT Services
575-2905, ecgriff@uark.edu