Carver Students to Present Research
On Wednesday, July 7, the 2010 George Washington Carver Research students will present research findings to the campus community. Thirty undergraduate students from across the country are currently participating in this summer program that helps prepare them for graduate school. The entire campus community is invited to attend the poster session between 3 and 5 p.m. in Willard J. Walker Hall 2nd floor seminar room.
UA departments hosting Carver interns this summer are biomedical engineering, business, computer engineering, chemistry, crop, soil and environmental sciences, electrical engineering, entomology, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, microelectronics-photonics and physics.
The Carver Research Program gives prospective graduate students from historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) the opportunity to work directly with a UA faculty mentor and gain exposure to post-graduate preparation. During the eight week program, students are introduced to various aspects of graduate study, including standardized test preparation, research and presentation skills, as well as the graduate application and funding process.
“The George Washington Carver Research Program is an important outreach tool that we use to continue to bring diversity to the graduate school,” said Kendra Smith, director of the Carver Research Program. “This program would not be such a huge success without the continued support of the graduate school, campus administration and academic departments.” Since the program’s implementation in 1997 approximately 40 percent of the participants have returned to the University of Arkansas to pursue graduate degrees.
The participating students, their home institution, and UA faculty mentor are listed below:
- Cristobal Afanador, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez – Dr. Brady Cox
- Tamara Alexander, Southern University – Dr. Julia Kennefick
- Jakym Battle, Fort Valley State University – Dr. Nilda Burgos
- Adrain Beard, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff – Dr. Lin Oliver
- Russell Bouyer, Huston-Tillotson University – Dr. Barbara Lofton
- Danny Burl, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff – Dr. Ajay Malshe
- Cara Carter, Philander Smith College – Dr. Matt Gordon
- Shawn Cherry, Norfolk State University – Dr. Keith Roper
- Anthonya Cooper, Philander Smith College – Dr. Sha Jin
- Jermaine Dory, Norfolk State University – T.A. Walton
- McKenna Gosa, Rust College – Dr. Barbara Lofton
- Shaquetta Hassell, Norfolk State University – Dr. Kaiming Ye
- Kiara Henderson, Southern University – Dr. Julia Kennefick
- Alleluya Iradukunda, Philander Smith College – Dr. David Andrews
- Latisha Isaiah, Philander Smith College – Dr. Matt Gordon
- Nathan Kuhns, University of Arkansas – Dr. Jia Di
- Brittnee Leonard, Southern University – Dr. Julia Kennefick
- James McClendon, University of Arkansas – Dr. Ajay Malshe
- Mario McGregor, Fort Valley State University – Dr. Roy McCann
- Daniel Mitchell, University of Arkansas – Dr. Ajay Malshe
- Shadawna Perkins, Philander Smith College – Dr. Matt Gordon
- Kiara Potts, Philander Smith College – Dr. Fiona Goggin
- Ashley Reynolds, Langston University – Dr. Nilda Burgos
- David Scott, Norfolk State University – Dr. Min Zou
- Reinaldo Silvestry, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez – Dr. Brady Cox
- Jessica Simpson, Fort Valley State University – Dr. Ajay Malshe
- Adonay Sissay, Southern University – Dr. Julia Kennefick
- Nasha Smith, Grambling State University – Dr. Barbara Lofton
- Morgan Ulesich, University of Arkansas – Dr. Justin Chimka
- Maria Williams, Texas Southern University – Dr. Frank Millett
Kendra Smith, Director, George Washington Carver Research Progra
Graduate School