Mullins Library Network Upgrades on Thursday
The network in the General Access Computing Lab on the 2nd floor of Mullins Library will be down from 7 a.m. until approximately 5 p.m. on Thursday, June 17. No one will be able to use the Mullins General Access Computing Lab during that time. Wireless coverage will also be affected during the maintenance period, with limited or no connectivity in some areas of the building.
The Mullins downtime on Thursday is due to upgrades to the library network infrastructure as the library expands information technology services in anticipation of the Fall 2010 semester. During maintenance, users who normally go to the Mullins lab are encouraged to use the General Access Computing Lab in the Arkansas Union Fireplace Lounge, near the Information Desk.
This project represents a major collaboration between University of Arkansas Libraries and IT Services, adding computing and study stations, social and collaborative spaces, a quiet computing lab, and a more centralized point of service for library patrons.
For questions, comments, or concerns about the Mullins Library General Access Computing Lab upgrades, contact the IT Services Help Desk at 575-2905.
Erin Griffin,
IT Services