University of Arkansas and Fort Valley State University Approve Dual Degree Program

Chancellor David Gearhart of the University of Arkansas and Associate Vice President Isaac Crumbly of Fort Valley State University, Georgia, signed an agreement to establish dual degree programs in geosciences on May 6.

The program allows students at Fort Valley State to pursue three years of study in the liberal arts, sciences and mathematics, transfer to the University of Arkansas for an additional two years and finish with two bachelor's degrees.

The Arkansas 180 Series provides an eclectic review of the university campus, giving a 180-degree sweep of the campus in about 180 seconds. Past videos in the Arkansas 180 Series have included profiles of students, reporting on faculty research and simple seasonal montages of the changing campus environment. They are produced by the office of university relations whenever time allows and posted to Arkansas Newswire and the university’s YouTube channel about once a month.


Charlie Alison, executive editor
University Relations

News Daily