Winner Chosen in Greenwood Art Contest
Beth Saviers, a University of Arkansas student working on a master's degree in higher education, was chosen last week as the winner in the art contest honoring former Dean Reed Greenwood in the College of Education and Health Professions.
The College Council, an elected advisory board to the dean, designed the art contest as a way to honor Greenwood, who completed his appointment as dean of the college on Aug. 1, 2009. Greenwood served as dean from 2001 and is now a faculty member in the college's department of education reform.
Saviers' piece, Pathways, will be permanently displayed in the Graduate Education Building, which houses the dean's office of the college, along with a plaque honoring Greenwood's service and information about the artist's interpretation.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions