Three Walton College Faculty Members Win Industry Award

David Douglas, Paul Cronan, and Christine Davis, Walton College faculty members, have been recognized by SAP North America University Alliances program.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The SAP North America University Alliances program has recognized three faculty members in the information systems department in the Sam M. Walton College at the University of Arkansas for their outstanding service to the program. The recipients of the 2010 Majdi Najm Outstanding Service award are Paul Cronan, Christine Clemons Davis and David Douglas.
SAP is an international market leader of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. In the fall of 2000, SAP donated its R/3 software to the Walton College for use in standard curriculum.
Cronan is a professor in information systems and holder of the M.D. Matthews Endowed Chair in Information Systems; Davis is an executive in residence in the information systems department; and Douglas is a University Professor.
The Majdi Najm Outstanding Service Award was established to honor the memory of Majdi Najm, who was the director of the University Competence Center at the University of Missouri. Majdi died in 2004. This award recognizes those who have advanced the use of SAP in the classroom. Cronan, Davis and Douglas are also being recognized for their collaboration with faculty members from other SAP University Alliances campuses. Since the inception of the award, the honorees chosen have demonstrated a history of leadership in the program through participation at the SAP Curriculum Congress and workshop events, the development of curriculum content and the mentoring of other faculty.
Cronan, David and Douglas have freely provided SAP University Alliances program members with access to their SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse course materials as well as datasets donated by businesses with whom they partner. These datasets comprise terabytes of data used for meaningful data mining and analysis in the classroom. The three have also partnered with other professors, most notably Jim Mensching and Lorraine Gardiner from California State University, Chico.
Cronan and Douglas have given numerous presentations on their enterprise programs at academic conferences such as Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences and Americas Conference on Information Systems.
David Douglas, University Professor
Sam M. Walton College of Business
Paul Cronan, professor, information systems
Sam M. Walton College of Business
Christine Clemons Davis,
Sam M. Walton College of Business