UA Chapter of National German Honor Society Initiates 28 New Members

The Iota Xi chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the national German academic honor society, held its annual banquet and initiation on Friday, April 2. The chapter was founded in 1983 and includes 350 members, making it one of the most active chapters in the country.

Members must have a high overall GPA and high GPA in German, have completed at least one 3000 level or higher course in German, and have sophomore standing. Dr. Martin Nedbal, assistant professor of music, was the featured speaker with a lecture on the music of Mozart and was also inducted as an honorary member.

New student members represent three colleges (Fulbright, Walton, and Engineering) and include: Eric Ableitner, John Jacob Barkman, Jared Bludworth, Amanda Bonner, Divesh Brahmbhatt, Austin Brunson, Jessica Burk, Maegan Cook, Samantha Cowan, Shayna Egan, Katherine Goll, John Hannon, Farina Hartung, Devin Haughey, Leslie Jennings, Aidan Lancaster, David Long, David Manke, Christopher Mikles, Laura Neumann, Yvette Ortiz, Stephanie Patterson, Christopher Pryor, Alexandra Sorrell, Chelsea Williams, Elizabeth White, Alexandra Wilcox, and David Zimmer.


Kathleen Condray, German Section Head, Assoc. Prof
World Languages

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