Professor Named to National Science Teachers Association Panel
Cathy Wissehr, University of Arkansas assistant professor of elementary science education, has been named to a three-year appointment on the National Science Teachers Association Committee for Preservice Teacher Preparation.
"This work is a crucial ingredient to the success of our mission at NSTA: to promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all," said Alan McCormack, president of the association, in a letter to Wissehr.
Wissehr, who joined the faculty of the College of Education and Health Professions in 2009, begins her appointment on June 1. At the same time, she will complete her second three-year term on the advisory board of the association's journal Science and Children for teachers of children in prekindergarten through sixth grade.
"I look forward to representing the University of Arkansas on this committee and helping to shape preservice science teacher preparation nationwide," Wissehr said.
Before earning a doctorate from the University of Missouri, Wissehr taught third-grade math, a combined fifth- and sixth-grade class for all subject areas and a gifted program in grades 2-7. Her research interests include science learning in informal environments, rural science teaching, environmental education, teacher development, and teacher misconceptions.
Heidi Wells, content writer and strategist
Global Campus