Special Education Professor Honored for Journal Review Work
Kathleen Collins, University of Arkansas associate professor of special education, has been named an Outstanding Reviewer for 2009 by the American Educational Research Association.
"Educational Researcher would not be the leading journal that it is today without the professional assistance of reviewers such as yourself," said Russell Rumberger, the association's publications committee chair, in a letter to Collins.
She serves as reviewer for Educational Researcher, one of the association's research journals. All members of the association receive the journal.
Collins will be recognized during the association's annual meeting in Denver in April. Collins' research interests are in methodological issues as they pertain to mixed research, special populations, and the identification and assessment of literacy problems of post-secondary students.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, heidisw@uark.edu