Alumni Association and Athletics Department Host AutoZone Liberty Bowl Events for Arkansas Fans

The Arkansas Razorback football team will compete in the Autozone Liberty Bowl on Jan. 2, 2010, in Memphis, Tenn.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Arkansas Razorback fans are invited to a variety of events, many of them free, all leading up to the AutoZone Liberty Bowl in Memphis on Jan. 2.
Celebrations begin Thursday, Dec. 31, with a “New Year’s Razorback Eve” event at Prime Time Sports, 150 Peabody Place. Festivities begin with the live broadcast of Drive Time Sports from 4 to 7 p.m. Head coach Bobby Petrino and Razorback Sports Properties will broadcast “Bobby Petrino Live,” presented by The Lindsey Company, First Security Bank and the Catfish Hole from 7 to 8 p.m., and the New Year’s Eve party will continue until midnight.
Prime Time Sports will donate 25 percent of the proceeds from billiards and bowling between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight to the Mid-South Chapter of the Arkansas Alumni Association and the Memphis East Razorback Club, which are hosting the event.
New Year’s Razorback Eve is open to the public and no tickets are required.
The AutoZone Liberty Bowl is hosting a pep rally at 5 p.m. on Dec. 31 in Handy Park on Beale Street. Bands, cheerleaders and fans from both schools will get ready for the 51st annual AutoZone Liberty Bowl at this free event.
Beginning at 2 p.m. on New Year’s Day, members of the Arkansas Alumni Association and the Razorback Foundation and their guests are invited to Alfred’s on Beale, at the corner of Third Avenue and Beale Street to watch the Capital One, Gator and Rose Bowls. The official Liberty Bowl Parade will kick off on Beale Street at 3 p.m. and will pass right by Alfred’s doors, with a great view from the upstairs patio. A pep rally with Razorback Band and Spirit groups will follow in the park across the street from Alfred’s after the parade. A television show, “Liberty Bowl Special-Blues City Battle,” will be produced live immediately after the Rose Bowl, airing on KATV. It is being produced by the Razorback Sports Properties and KATV. A buffet dinner is offered from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $20 per person and can be purchased through the Arkansas Alumni Association by calling 479-575-2801 or 1-800-275-2586. Members of the Arkansas Alumni Association may also register online at This event is sponsored by the Arkansas Alumni Association, the Razorback Foundation and University of Arkansas Athletics.
In the hours leading up to the AutoZone Liberty Bowl itself on Jan. 2, the Memphis Fairgrounds Arena building will be the site for a combined pep rally/pre-game buffet/battle of the bands and indoor tailgate party from noon to 3 p.m.
The AutoZone Liberty Bowl offers one of the largest pre-game parties in the nation. The arena building is adjacent to Liberty Bowl Stadium, so fans will only have to park one time, and then they can enjoy the pre-game buffet and pep rally and make a short walk right into the stadium. Pig and Whistle will provide a buffet, including an assortment of complimentary beverages. Tickets are $30 per person and may be ordered through the Razorback Ticket Center by anyone who purchased game tickets through Arkansas Athletics. Otherwise, tickets are available through the AutoZone Liberty Bowl directly.
For the most up-to-date information on Arkansas’ appearance at the 2010 AutoZone Liberty Bowl, visit Bowl Central on the Arkansas Razorbacks Web site.
Michelle Bell, assistant director
Arkansas Alumni Association
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations