University Response to Richardson Lawsuit Dismissal
UA Associate General Counsel Scott Varady released the following response to the Nolan Richardson lawsuit dismissal case Thursday afternoon on the UA campus:
“The University of Arkansas and those who represent it are pleased by the overall decision in the Nolan Richardson case. Judge William R. Wilson, Jr. found that Coach Richardson’s termination was not based on race. He also found that there was no violation of Coach Richardson’s first amendment rights. The judge determined that Coach Richardson’s comments following the Kentucky game on Saturday, February 23, 2002, were the sole reason for his dismissal.
“The University will be responsible only for its own legal costs. As has been reported, those costs are currently estimated at about $475,000.
“There remains a possibility of appeal by Coach Richardson. For this reason, comment by the University and its representatives is advisedly limited. But, it is important to acknowledge that Nolan Richardson has a significant record of achievement.
“It is also important to recognize that broader issues than athletic achievement were raised by this very difficult episode in the life of the University. Those issues, and the court’s remarks on them, will be examined thoroughly and considered thoughtfully for the insights they may offer. The University remains fully committed to building and maintaining a diverse, hospitable and student-centered campus in which individuals from all walks of life are involved and welcome to pursue an education, and in which a diverse array of faculty and staff feel at home and work together effectively.”
A copy of Judge Wilson's decision can be downloaded in pdf format at