Loan Program To Assist Current And Future Small Business Owners

FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS - The Small Business Development Center at the University of Arkansas Sam M. Walton College of Business will offer a seminar on Small Business Administration loans.  The seminar will begin at 2:00 on Tuesday, October 7 at the GENESIS Technology Incubator in Fayetteville.

The U.S. Small Business Administration loan program has helped thousands of small companies get started, expand and prosper. The seminar will discuss what an SBA loan is, eligibility requirements, and how to apply for an SBA loan. Those seeking to finance new business start-ups or business purchases, and those seeking to expand their existing business, are encouraged to attend. Pat Walker, Economic Development Specialist with the U.S. Small Business Administration, will be presenting.

Cost of the seminar is $10 and is open to the public.  For additional information or to reserve your space, call the Small Business Development Center at 479-575-5148.

The Small Business Development Center offers integrated services to meet the needs of experienced small business owners as well as individuals interested in starting a business. Those services include training and free one-on-one business counseling.



Erika Sutherland, training coordinator, Arkansas Small Business Development Center, (479) 575-5148,

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