Inclement Weather & Fall 2000 Final Exam Schedule

To: The University of Arkansas Academic Community

From: Bob Smith, Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

During the period, Tuesday, December 12, 2000 through Friday, December 15, 2000, we face the possibility that inclement weather may disrupt the University of Arkansas (UA) final exam schedule. The purpose of this memo is to remind us of existing policies and to guide our actions in what appears to be an unprecedented potential situation.

Appended to this memo is information on inclement weather procedures (declaration of the closing of the University), which is also available at the URL noted therein. Briefly, decisions on closing are made by 5:00 A.M. and notice is provided through the University website as well as public announcements on local radio and television stations.

Regarding course work, Academic Policy 1858.10 addresses cancellation of classes due to inclement weather:

There are, however, no policies relative to the rescheduling of final exams due to inclement weather.

Working from the best advice of the Deans, the Chairman of the Faculty Senate, the Chair of the Campus Faculty, the President of the Associated Student Government, and my colleagues in the Chancellor’s office (including the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs), following is the set of contingencies we will invoke based on judgements of weather conditions during the next several days:

Wednesday, December 13, 2000: If we need to close the University due to inclement weather, students outside the School of Law will not be affected as this day is a "dead day." Law students who have exams scheduled for this day will have their exams rescheduled on Thursday, December 14, 2000 or on an alternative day as will be arranged by the Dean’s Office in the School of Law.

Thursday, December 14, 2000: If we need to close the University due to inclement weather, final exams scheduled for this day will be rescheduled at the same hours and at the same locations on Sunday, December 17, 2000. If students have religious obligations they must abide by on Sunday, then they will need to seek accommodation from faculty members for an alternative examination at the mutual convenience of faculty members and students (see also Religious Observances page 4-3).

Friday, December 15, 2000: We anticipate that there is a very low probability of the University having to close on this day based on current weather forecasts. Assuming that the University is open, the regularly scheduled Friday, December 15, 2000 final exam schedule will be followed. If a weather contingency does arise, however, the UA community will be provided instructions via radio and television announcements.

Saturday, December 16, 2000: We anticipate that there is a very low probability of the University having to close on this day based on current weather forecasts. Assuming that the University is open, the regularly scheduled Saturday, December 16, 2000 final exam schedule will be followed. If a weather contingency does arise, however, the UA community will be provided instructions via radio and television announcements.

Sunday, December 17, 2000: If the University had to close on Thursday, December 14, 2000, then the exams previously scheduled for that day will occur on this day—at the same times and same locations. If students have religious obligations they must abide by on this day (Sunday), then they will need to seek accommodation from faculty members for an alternative examination at the mutual convenience of faculty members and students (see also Religious Observances page 4-3).

We will appreciate the UA community’s full cooperation in carrying out plans as articulated above. For all students, faculty and staff--please watch our website ( and be alert to messages on radio and television regarding possible closings and other information during the next few days.

We will be thinking positive thoughts about all of our students during their final exams and wish all in our community—most joyous and safe holidays.




By Midnight UA Police begin to check road conditions

By 1:45 a.m. UAPD contacts Physical Plant Grounds Shop Foreman Ricky Mayes, if clearing of streets, sidewalks and designated parking lot entrances is needed; if so, crews begin by 3:30 a.m.

By 4:30 a.m. Razorback Transit checks routes and determines whether buses can operate safely and communicates that determination to University Police.

Immediately following that determination, a conference call is placed by University Police Director Larry Slamons, or alternate Brad Bruns, to Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Bob Smith, or alternate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Don Pederson, and the staff listed below for decision:

Physical Plant Director Leo Yanda, or alternate, Ron Edwards; Razorback Transit Director Gary Smith, or alternate, Don Austin; Communications Director, Rebecca Wood, or alternate, Roger Williams; President, Associated Student Government.

By 5:00 a.m. Decision on whether to cancel classes due to inclement weather will be discussed by conference call and will be based on the following four criteria:

1) designated University transit bus routes are open to travel,

2) major commuter parking lots are accessible,

3) highway 71 from County Line Road in Springdale to West Fork city limits is open for travel, and

4) conditions appear to be such as to allow students, faculty, and staff to reach campus.

At 5:15 a.m. Rebecca Wood calls:

Roger Williams to convey decision and obtain help if needed for notification Ken Leverington to convey message to UA switchboard and campus voice mail addresses; alternates: James Ezell or David Martinson

By 5:45 a.m. Rebecca Wood will arrange to communicate the decision to the public. If the University is to be closed, the following means of communication with faculty, staff, and students will be used:

1) Individuals may call 575-7000 for announcements about University closings.

2) Voice Mail. Announcements concerning University hours and policies related to weather emergencies are sent to all employees who have voice mail boxes. If you have an assigned telephone but don't yet have a voice mailbox, you can request it by calling UA switchboard at extension 5-2000.

3) University Switchboard. The switchboard, at 575-2000, provides information about University hours when inclement weather requires it to do so. This number may often be busy since it receives many calls; for that reason, personal voicemail boxes are more convenient.

4) KUAF Radio, 91.3 FM. The University's radio station makes regular announcements if the University closes and assists in correcting errors in public media announcements.

5) The University's inclement weather site is updated frequently. The address is readily available on both UARKINFO and University Online.

6) University Supervisors. Supervisors can arrange to notify employees in their unit, or employees can call supervisors for instruction.

7) Local radio and television stations will be informed whenever the University is closed. If the University remains open, no announcement will be made through radio and television stations off campus.

Revised December 4, 2000




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