FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — Members of Phi Alpha Delta, Phi Delta Phi and the Student Bar Association are joining together to sponsor Law School Olympics, a series of events to help three local charities, beginning Oct. 18 with a Powder Puff football contest.

Each class (1L, 2L 3L/Faculty) will play for a separate charity and will team against each other to compete for points in the football game, Student "Quid Pro Quo" (Something for Something) auction (Oct. 25), a 5K "Law Hog" run/walk (Oct. 27) and Olympic-style games (Oct. 27). There will also be a canned food drive and other charity driven collections to help earn points.

Charities supported in the event include Life Styles, Inc. (represented by the 1L class), Project for Victims of Family Violence (represented by the 2L class), Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers (represented by the 3L class) and Ozark Food Bank, Inc., who will receive all donated canned foods. Money raised from the effort will be split among the charities, based off a ratio of points earned from the finish of each class in the final standings. Charities will receive the funds at the Olympic Ceremony on Oct. 27.

The Olympics will take place in the law school courtyard with music, food and activities for everyone including children beginning at noon, Oct. 27. The run/walk is open to everyone with the $15 registration fee going to charity. A free T-shirt and water will be provided for each participant.

Many of the expenses for the event will be covered by student T-shirt sales, allowing the majority of the donations to go directly to the charities. Donations to the Olympics, made in the name of the UA Foundation — Law, are tax deductible.


David Pease, (479) 575-3332,

Frankie Frisco, communications coordinator, University of Arkansas School of Law, (479) 575-6111;

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