Voice Actors Wanted for Historical Visualization Project

Voice Actors Wanted for Historical Visualization Project
Barracks with Garden and a Chair, by Kazuo Hambo (1942)

Students interested in voice acting are invited to lend their vocal talents to the Rohwer Reconstructed project. All voices and ages are needed; no prior experience is necessary. Stipends of $50 may be awarded to selected actors for their participation.

Participants will help to tell the history of Japanese-American internment in Arkansas by narrating select passages from historical documents related to the Rohwer Internment Camp. One of ten Japanese-American internment camps established during World War II, the camp at Rohwer housed over 10,000 Japanese-Americans during the war.

The Rohwer Reconstructed project is funded, in part, by a grant from the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Japanese American Confinement Sites Grant Program.

Auditions will be held Oct. 10 and 11. To set up an audition time, contact Angie Payne of the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies at angie@cast.uark.edu or 479-575-4277.

For more information on the Rohwer Reconstructed project, visit risingabove.cast.uark.edu


Nani Verzon, public information specialist
Center For Advanced Spatial Technologies
479-575-8614, hverzon@uark.edu

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