Log Into the New ISIS
Today users will log into the much anticipated v9 ISIS. The new ISIS was brought on-line early this morning following a successful year-long upgrade process.
In this, the first of a two-phase upgrade, most users will see subtle changes in ISIS. For example, multiple links on some pages have now been moved into a drop-down menu, information may be presented differently and tabs have been consolidated on some pages.
Advisors will see the most dramatic change with the addition of a new Advisor Center. With a design similar to the Faculty Center, the Advisor Center contains quick access to all information needed to successfully advise students.
ISIS Reporting will be available next Monday, October 18. Query Manager users will see few, if any, changes in the new version.
The v9 upgrade was kicked off last fall and continued throughout the year. While work for the move to the new version has been extensive, most system changes occurred behind the scenes. All ISIS Team members, including those individuals in the technical and functional areas, have spent countless hours updating and testing the new system in order to make the move to the new ISIS seamless to the campus community.
Work will commence soon on the second phase, an upgrade to Oracle|PeopleSoft Campus Solutions v8.5 Tools. A spring rollout to campus is anticipated with exact dates and details to follow.
What's New in ISIS 9.0, an overview of the changes in ISIS, is available on the upgrade website. Additional instructional material and help aids are also available on the site.
ISIS Team,
479-575-4642, isishelp@uark.edu